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We have lots of tools for you, including a planning guide, real community stories, evidence-based information, and a wealth of resources.

The planning guide will walk you through developing, implementing, and evaluating a community suicide prevention plan.

Real stories of communities who have taken action to prevent suicide can inspire you and provide valuable information.

Evidence-based information will give you more knowledge about how to prevent suicide, what to do during a community crisis.

Resources will connect you to the broader world of suicide prevention, including nationally recognized organizations, initiatives.

Our Story

Together to Live was developed by the Ontario Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health (the Centre) in partnership with passionate people and organizations across Ontario. It was created as part of the Ontario government’s youth suicide prevention plan and comprehensive mental health and addictions strategy. In 2021, the Centre passed the site on to Centre for Suicide Prevention.

Together to Live is a project of Centre for Suicide Prevention, made possible in part by Mental Health Commission of Canada.
Centre for Suicide Prevention is a branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association. For 40 years we have been equipping Canadians with knowledge and skills to respond to people thinking about suicide.
The Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) is a catalyst for improving the mental health system and changing the attitudes and behaviours of Canadians around mental health issues.